Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Do Each Colour Of The Shag Band Mean What Do Each Of The Colour Shag Bands Stand For?

What do each of the colour shag bands stand for? - what do each colour of the shag band mean

I know some of them like red-Lapdance, but what about the others?

I have an idea of what some say, but I wonder what they mean with certainty. Can you tell me what the different colors?

1. As an indigo blue.
2. As a transparent blue.
3. Glittery course.
4. Pink.
5. Bright red.
6. Glittery blue.
7. Glittery purple.
8. Purple Glittery matalic sorta shiny pink.
9. Brilliant Black.
10. Medium purple.
11. Orange Illuminus.
12. Pink.
13. Red
14. Green Illuminus.
15. Yellow.

Thank you for your help x]

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